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  • Writer's pictureMichael Ponza

Unit Plans: Video Editing In the Classroom

Updated: Jul 12, 2019

The targeted audience and setting for these units will be for a 3rd, 4th or 5th grade classroom. Each classroom contains anywhere 15-30 students from the general education setting.

The implementation of the video editing program will be three 9 week units.

Unit Plan: Video Editing In The Classroom (3 Units, 22 Lessons, 27 Weeks)

Learning Objectives:

*Increase Motivation: The primary learning outcome of WeVideo will be to develop learners intrinsic motivation for learning by becoming content creators

*Become Producers: Learners will learn how to create artifacts and content rather than just consume them. They will become more media literate and learn how to troubleshoot and problem solve basic problems that arise in video editing programs

*Empower Students With Personalized Learning: Learners will be able to display understanding of assigned and self directed tasks by creating their own videos at their pace and place in authentic learning situations

*Collaborate & Share: Learners will be asked to work with peers, experts, and teachers to create their artifacts and share with the community or intended audience

*Foster Higher Level Critical Thinking Skills: Ask. Imagine. Plan. Create. Critique. Improve. Share. Reflect. Learners will display higher level skills such as asking essential questions, rationalization, evaluation, justification, reflection, collaboration, delegation, and interpretation through their artifacts

Unit 1: Interacting With Video Editing

Unit 1 is for developing a feel and excitement for video editing. It also allows for the learning to experiment and explore the program and learn its many editing features, as well as creating different types of media productions.

Lessons: 9

Time: 9 weeks

Lesson 1: Morning Announcements (1 week, Small Group)

Lesson 2: Story Elements, Movie Trailer (1 week, Independent)

Lesson 3: Book Review Video (1 week, Partner, Independent)

Lesson 4: Animal Research Video (1 week, Independent)

Lesson 5: Math Real Life Problems (1 week, Partner, Small Group)

Lesson 6: Podcast Episode (1 week, Partner, Small Group)

Lesson 7: Student Reflections (1 week, Independent)

Lesson 8: Freestyle (Create your own artifact)

Lesson 9: Share Artifacts (1 week)

(These Lessons can be found on the blog)

Unit 2: Partner/Small Group Artifact

Unit 2 will be focusing on personalization, authenticity, and collaboration between partners or small groups. Learners will have the choice of what type of media project to create and on what topic they will research. Learners will have a feel for the features of the product, so this unit will focus on the content creation and production quality.

Lessons: 7

Time: 9 weeks

Lesson 1: Group Formation, Topic Selection (1 week)

Lesson 2: Driving Question & Research (1 week)

Lesson 3: Media Creation (2 weeks)

Lesson 4: Peer Feedback, Praise and Critique (1 week)

Lesson 5: Improvements and Edits (2 weeks)

Lesson 6: Share (1 week)

Lesson 7: Reflect (1 week)

Unit 3: Independent Artifact

Unit 3 will be similar to Unit 2 and will have a focus on the users independent ability to create and produce content. The learner will have the say in their topic and all media features used in their production. The production will be shared with the community (class, grade level, parents, and members of the community.)

Lessons: 6

Time: 9 weeks

Lesson 1: Topic Selection, Driving Question & Research (1 week)

Lesson 2: Media Creation (2 weeks)

Lesson 3: Peer Feedback, Praise and Critique (1 week)

Lesson 4: Media Creation (2 weeks)

Lesson 5: Share (1 week)

Lesson 6: Reflect (1 week)

Lesson 7: Final Reflection of Video Editing (1 week)

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