Length: 5 Days
Grade Level: K-12
Objective: Each student will be able to think about, articulate and share a deep understanding of learning and self- through creating a video reflection.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.SL.6: Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and communicative tasks, demonstrating command of formal English when indicated or appropriate.

I DO (Teacher model)
Open new video edit in WeVideo.
Set up recording.
Create reflection.
Introduce yourself!
State your purpose.Talk through thinking.
Use thinking stems/questions (see Resources for reflectionbelow)
Close with “Thank you.”Listen to the reflection.
WE DO (Teacher + students together)
Play student or teacher example.
Pause the screencast every time position or negative action is demonstrated.
Ask for what students have noticed (volume, pacing, clarity, overall recording time, quality of thinking/depth, vocabulary, introduction, conclusion, evidence of understanding).
Create a checklist or rubric so expectations are clear.
YOU DO (Student work- teacher as facilitator)
Give students a sample task.
Allow students to whisper practice their recording.
Students CREATE reflection recording to share understanding!
Encourage student listening and reflection after task is completed (SEE BELOW for reflection, formative assessment, or enrichment activity ideas).
Student reflection hyperdoc– check out this document for even more information
Set up links for student access Resources for reflection
Questions/sentence stems
Visible thinking strategies
Suggested: Student or teacher created sample to share and analyze with class before screencasting
Student: Recording device, headphones or earbuds
